It takes a community to keep us moving forward and there are many who support us.
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Make a donation
As a not-for-profit organization, we always welcome the support of businesses and individuals that want to contribute to the wonderful musical experience we deliver to the community. If you would like to help us continue to do so, please visit our Contact Us page and drop us a line.
Contributions can result in the following:
• Tuning of a piano for our concert which in turn is used by a community organization.
• Paying for a disadvantaged person to sing in one of our choirs
• Helping send artistic directors, choristers or board members to national conferences
• Ordering music for a concert
• Feeding choir members during gruelling all-day rehearsals.
• Making a monetary donation through PayPal by clicking here.
• and more…
*Please note that the Yellowknife Choral Society is not a Registered Charity and therefore is not in a position to issue tax receipts for donations.