Welcome to the communitY CHOIR
Aurora Chorealis is a non-auditioned choir of singers aged 14 and older. We aim to create a supportive community that values artistry and musical growth. More information on us and how to join Aurora Chorealis are below.

We will be rehearsing for performances on April 12, 2025.
When and Where do we Sing?

Every Tuesday, starting Sept 10th we rehearse at Calvary Church (50th Ave & Matonabee St) from 7:00 – 9:30 pm. Doors open at 6:45. **Please use the *front doors*
Singers are asked to practice on their own and to stay current if travel or illness results in a missed rehearsal. Tips for how-to practice on your own are in this video. A detailed plan for each rehearsal is shared with registered members to facilitate at home practice. An array of learning tools are also available.
Meet the Team
Margo Nightingale
Margo (pronouns “she/her”) has been directing Aurora Chorealis since 2001. She wants singers to be challenged, to have fun, to enjoy success and create community together. Passionate about singing, Margo has been singing in choirs since childhood. She sang with this choir when she first moved to Yellowknife in 1994 and has since been a performing member in Ursa Miners, Midnight Soul, Ptarmigan Ptheatrics and the Canadian Chamber Choir.
Shauna Morgan
Shauna Morgan came to Yellowknife in November 2008 on a short-term contract, fell in love with the place, and has decided to make the north her home. Born and raised near Barrie, Ontario, Shauna began studying piano at the age of 7 and went on to accompany her high school and university concert choirs. She has been accompanying Aurora Chorealis since 2009, expanding her musical skills over the years to include djembe, tuned water glasses, tone chimes and various other percussion instruments.
Becoming a Member

New members are welcome in September and January each year. No previous experience with choirs or reading skill is needed.
Covid protocols no longer apply but any member that wishes to mask for their own protection or that of others is welcome to do so.
To join, singers must do a voice placement with the Director. See below.
Voice Placement
All new singers must do a voice placement with Margo, the Director. It is best to do this before joining a rehearsal. It takes about 15-20 mins. It involves some singing and some get-to-know-each-other chat.
A voice placement confirms that each new member can carry a tune – either alone or with some help. It is also used to place each singer within the choir. The choir is divided into 4 main sections:

- Soprano – for the highest voices;
- Alto – for mid-high voices;
- Tenor – for mid-low voices; and
- Bass – for the lowest voices.
Each of these 4 larger sections are divided into 1st and 2nd singers. The higher voices sing the 1st part, and the lower voices sing the 2nd part. We also try to have equal numbers in the 1st and 2nd parts.
In the voice placement, singers are asked to sing “Happy Birthday” on their own, or with Margo. This is normally private, but if it helps, you can do this with a friend.
After singing Happy Birthday, each singer will be asked to sing a series of notes to determine their highest and lowest notes. Based on this exercise, every singer is assigned a section (soprano, alto, tenor bass) and a part in that section (1st or 2nd).
If singing a tune is very challenging for a singer, the Director will decide if and how that singer can participate in the choir and will discuss those options with that singer.
Voice placements are being done on Zoom. Please email Margo to arrange this at acdirector@mnlo.ca.
Rehearsal and Performance Expectations
Our goal is to have fun and work hard to prepare our music to a high standard of performance. This is only possible if singers:
- attend rehearsals regularly
- are on time
- practice between rehearsals (this video has many ideas for you)
Singers will learn the music through attending rehearsals, by using the practice tools created each season and practicing between rehearsals. Many singers learn by ear. Others read music. All singers will have access to a private page on this website which includes essential information for each season, vocal tracks and elementary music reading tools.
In performances, some music each season is sung from memory. Sometimes these songs involve body percussion (clapping/stamping etc) or choreographed movement. In other songs, singers may use sheet music provided and kept in a black binder or music folder. Music folders are available for purchase.
If a singer will miss a rehearsal or a performance they must notify the Director and their section leader in advance. Singers who appear to be unprepared for a performance can be told they cannot perform some or all of the music in a concert. This decision is made at the discretion of the Director in consultation with the singer.
A singer can also withdraw from a performance (but stay within the choir) after discussion with the Director as soon as possible after making that decision.
Please review the Membership Guidelines for more information about this and more!
Membership Fees
There are 2 fees to be paid each year:
- Society membership fee of $50
- Choir Registration Fees: $200 per year (Sept-April) or $100 for half a year (Sept-Dec or Jan-April)
Once registered and all fees are paid, members are loaned copies of the music for each season. The music may be provided in paper form or electronically as a PDF. The music is valuable and we ask all members to use only pencil in their music and to return the music in good condition at the end of each concert.
Once registered, members will also receive the password for the private singer’s website page. There, singers will find learning tracks, weekly announcements, helpful documents and links to recordings of the new and past music. This password will be changed at the start of each season.
Volunteer and Fund Raising Expectations
All singers are expected to volunteer to help with necessary tasks, ticket sales and fundraising activities. Requests for your help are included in the Registration Form.